Wednesday, May 26, 2010

i n s p i r a t i o n

In my tiny lair I have a tiny desk
and on the tiny desk there is a tiny wooden box
and on that tiny wooden box there are some postcards
some photos and some odds and ends
that culminate in a mood board of sorts.
It sits behind my laptop
and its where i rest my eyes when I need
a shot of colour, humour, inspiration...

This is one of those images
Pierre Bonnard's Promenade in Paris c.1911
It's not so contemporary, cutting edge, or revolutionary
But what I get from it is tantamount to an epiphany
It's one of those works that constantly inspires me
as I find new lines, colours, textures and hidden depths
that I had not noticed before...
I LOVE a work that has depths and layers...
something that opens up to you slowly...
like a flower,
a secret...

This week i saw something new
a line of light that cuts through the image on the right
adding another layer of movement
and beauty that I had not seen before...
Now that is a great work!

This is another favourite...
Nude in bath with small dog c.1941-6
The colours, the splitting up of the canvas into tiny cells
and all the textures...
It feels as if the canvas is moving and shifting while looking at it!
Enjoy looking at something inspirational today
as the rain continues to fall
and the light dims...

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