Wednesday, January 26, 2011

a history lesson....

It's Australia Day here in this part of the globe
which is a day that means
many things to many people.
Some come together to celebrate of the founding
of a new British colony,
with the arrival of the First Fleet
in 1788...
Some call it Sorry Day,
recognising the hurt and devastation
that was felt by the Aboriginal peoples
of this continent by the landing
of this First Fleet.
And then there are the rest of us that
come together to have a BBQ and try to understand
what all that history truly means!
One recent history lesson that I absolutely loved
and learnt much from, is the one that I received when I
went to see the solo exhibition of Bardayal 'Lofty' Nadjamerrek AO,
now showing at the MCA.
What a brilliant, insightful and beautiful exhibition by one of
Australia's most amazing artists', that many people
do not know about!
If you are overseas I would have a look at this website
for the exhibition here...
And for anyone in Sydney, I suggest an afternoon visit
to this exhibition for a 'true -blue'
Australian history lesson...

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