Saturday, February 5, 2011

oh so quiet....

It's oh so quiet
it's oh so still
You're all alone
and so peaceful until...

That song sprung to mind this morning
and felt totally apt when looking at these sketches
from a few years ago.
When I was working on them for a series
called The White Room, I was quite unwell
and at the beginning of a cycle of illness that
is reaching its ending right about now!
{I know...long time right? That's chronic illness for you...}

I was in a quiet state of mind and looking
at stillness,
simplicity and beauty.
That feeling is translated, I hope, in these 3 works above...
But like Bjork's song...
its all so quiet...
its all so still
you fall in love
and things change with a whole new cycle
and shift in events.
Let the change

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