Wednesday, February 2, 2011

tropical heat wave....

we're having a heat wave
a tropical heat wave
the temperatures rising
it isn't surprising
she certainly can
a can-can....

That song by Ella Fitzgerald perfectly sums up the weather that we are experiencing in this part of the globe at the moment. We're all melting under bright blue skies, and even though it hurts a little, and its hard to move around much for fear of sweltering and sweating into a pool under your feet, it is worth getting out their for just a few mere moments in order to take in all the beauty that summer has to offer...

The colours are singing, as are the cicadas, and everyone is starting to appreciate this late summer heatwave. This is a tiny stroll that I took in the last few days that sums up the season, in all its glorious crystal clear light....

I hope you enjoy....

... and then I started on a bushwalk down to the water....

And let me tell you...
the water was beautiful....

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