Tuesday, May 10, 2011


theWHITEmanifesto 2011

Really happy with this drawing/sculpture.
{It's definitely a drawing first, and a sculpture second!}
It's indecipherable on the paper, but the script
that I have written is about my thoughts on 'white'.

You don't need to be
able to read it when looking at the piece,
but it's all about white light, happiness and truth...
and the things that are important in life.

But do you think it looks like a book?
I hope so!

I'm really happy with it....

well... for the moment anyway.

Already there are ideas for

a new series of works stemming from this
first little manifesto.
{Ill check in with you about all that later...!}

But for now this piece is on display in the Make_it exhibition @ gaffa gallery until May17...

And I hope to bring you photos of that show soon! I promise.

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