Monday, July 18, 2011

the abandoned door....

Hi everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend? In Sydney it was 'winter'. That's the only way to describe it. Windy, grey, rainy and cold, with a quick step in and out of warm cafes the only outdoor activity attempted! Oh that, and the evening stroll with the dog! And that is where these photos come in, as last night I literally stumbled upon this misty and magical light, that I had to shoot. And luckily I JUST clicked in time to take these three shots before the night took over....! 

I love watching the light in all its forms and last night it was just so beautiful as it was silvery grey and soft. Everything was wet and when the light hit the ground it made everything shimmer.... I know I know. I'm being a little bit too poetic for a Monday afternoon! 
But I truly felt like I was in a film set when I saw the shot at the very top, of an abandoned door frame and white picket fence. There was something about the way the light was reflected through the glass on the door, and on the footpath, that made me feel like I was in a film still, and the movie was about a lost and sleepy suburbia, just after something dramatic had occurred...
Oh dear. I think I better sign off and leave you now! 
Better go and start writing a screen play...

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