Friday, July 29, 2011

visitation rights.

It can be a funny experience to go and visit one of your works while it is being displayed in an art prize. It's all a mystery until you get through the door and then boom!.... you are experience something akin to a sensory meltdown, confronted with walls filled to the brim with every style, colour, shape and material possible. It's a minefield! 
This all happened to me today as I went to my local art prize to volunteer a few hours and mind the exhibition. And while I was there I was able to say hello to this little work of mine that I had entered... and it may look familiar to you. 
The photo above was taken a little while ago when I was walking through the city and came upon this beautiful blue door with graffiti tags attached. I always thought I would like to try my hand at painting it, and a few months ago I completed the oil on canvas that you can see below. 
I think it looked quite happy in the show...! 
It's tiny but I finally found it, sitting quietly on the wall.
the blue door, oil on canvas, 2011

And speaking of exhibitions I just have to mention that Sydney Design 2011 opens tomorrow. It is a massive event this year with many many exhibitions, talks, workshops and symposiums dotted throughout the city. The Powerhouse Museum is the brains behind the whole operation, and they are also hosting a brilliant exhibition called Love Lace which features contemporary lace artworks by 134 artists from 20 countries. And when I say lace I mean lace made out of materials such as metal, hair, lighting and computer animation. So its a wide interpretation of the theme that is for sure!

But if you would like to see the whole calendar of events, please check out the website here.
Have a great weekend everyone and ill see you soon

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