Tuesday, April 21, 2015

the request

In my post last week I was rattling on about taking on requests for commissions and how it can be a daunting but rewarding experience. Well - today im featuring a collection of drawings - completed over the past few months, for a lovely couple in Melbourne who were looking for an artwork for their family home. 

At the time was keen to work on a new series of artworks as I had just completed a collection of drawings and coil weavings for a group exhibition in late January. And sometimes a request, and an idea, from some one other than you can be a liberating and positive opportunity. Some of my best artworks have come from a commission and an idea that was not my own! 

And so I began what is now called 'The Grevillea Series'. 

The commission initially started as one big canvas, themed around the garden - and in particular the colours and textures of the beautiful Grevillea species of plantlife. 

What I, or we, ended up with was a collection of three drawings on paper that speak of nature in a very abstract way. That's what you call 'meeting in the middle'. They had one idea and I had another. And somewhere in the middle was the right solution for the artwork, their family and the space they live in. 

The clients were happy.
I was relieved. 

And now when I look back at these images im actually proud of each artwork that speaks softly and gently about nature, the light and the spaces that we find when we step outside our door.

^Grevillea shower on indigo sky (detail). Mix Media on paper. 2015^

^Waterfall of Spring (detail). Mix media on paper. 2015^
^ detail of a textile design I created a few years ago...^
^Spring Movements (detail). Mix media on paper. 2015^

^The final collection... ^

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